
A small box that appears on the display screen to give you information or to warn you about a potentially damaging operation. Webopedia - Online Tech Dictionary for IT Professionals
Sweet Alert

Sweet Alert is a beautiful replacement for Javascript's "Alert".

Basic message

Show a basic message to give information to the user or to warn about a potentially damaging operation.

Title with a text under

Not enough basic message? Show more information to the user by entering a text below the title

Success message

Shows the user a message to warn him that a certain operation is successful.

Warning message

Shows the user a warning message, with a function attached to the "Confirm" button.

Another warning message

By passing a parameter to warning message, you can execute something else for "Cancel".

Custom icon

If desired, you can make more effective the message by adding a custom icon

Toaster notifications

toastr is a Javascript library for non-blocking notifications. The goal is to create a simple core library that can be customized and extended.

Inline Alerts and Notifications

Provide contextual feedback messages for typical user actions with the handful of available and flexible messages.


Wrap any text and an optional dismiss button in .alert and one of the four contextual classes (e.g., .alert-success ) for basic alert messages.

Use the .alert-link utility class to quickly provide matching colored links within any alert.

Heads up! This alert needs your attention , but it's not super important.
Warning! Better check yourself, you're not looking too good .
Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.


Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

Take this action Or do this


Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

Take this action Or do this


Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

Take this action Or do this


Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

Take this action Or do this